July 20, 2010

my, how time flies....

My little brother is 1 year old already!!
It's so hard to believe a whole year has past since he was born...I will always remember that day. If I get around to it sometime I'll right a super long post about his miracle story.. It's an amazing story I don't think I will ever tire of telling....


-less than an hour old at the hospital-

He loves to shake hands, bump fists, and give a high-five.

-week and 1/2 old-

These days he mostly walks.. Not so much crawling anymore.

-2 weeks-

Me and him hang out all the time! He's jus cool like that!

-1 month-

I tell him "kiss you", and he leans in for a smooch!! So sweet!

-7 weeks old-

He can be hyper or cuddly, happy or sad, grumpy or content, smiley or whiny.

-3 months-

He has a scream like none other.. The kind that has the ability to break glass!

-6 months old-

He's got the cutest grin that will melt even the hardest of hearts!


He's got the cutest tan. You should've seen him last night.. We went to the pool yesterday and he(along with all the rest of us) got tons of sun.. His poor little red cheeks and arms! Before I put him to bed I rubbed lots of aloe on..

-1 year-
{pardon the creases in the sheet...a result of my laziness...}

My lil mister all growed up!(or atleast on his way!)

.    '    .
Happy Birthday Stinker!
'    .    '



  1. aww....he is so cute! Great pics!

  2. happy birthday to your little brother! he is adorable :)

  3. He is sooo cute. I just love my littlest brother :)

  4. what can I say...my dear son...I do love him oh so very much along with all the rest! Love the pics Corina---thanks!


  5. SOOOOOOO cute!!!!!

  6. Awwwwwwwwww... He is so sweet!!
    I would love to hear his miracle story sometime!

    Have a great day!

  7. He is so cute. I have a brother who just turnd 1. They grow so fast.
    God Bless.
